2008 was a difficult year in so many ways, but it was also a new beginning in my life in some incredible instances.
I reached my weight and health goal AND found out I am going to be a Daddy. That is about as awesome as it gets.
2009 is going to be a banner year. I am going to break this down into four areas:
1. Personal
2. Health
3. Business
4. Spiritual
5. Racing!!!!!!
Personal: I have a great desire to be a good father. I have been reading every and anything and I am beginning to think it has all been for not . . . There are so many contradictions in these books, but some of them have given me a little insight as well as a little bit to chew on and think about. I want to be a father first and a bud second. I will pour love all over this kid, but not spoil him/her. Ok, so I am becoming a little overwhelmed thinking about it! Ha! We have cleaned out my bike storage room and the crib and other furniture are on the way. I think painting is on Amanda’s list in the next couple weeks.
Speaking of . . . I also want to make sure I am there for Amanda. She is doing very well so far. She is supposed to move out of the sickness, low-energy phase next week. All of her friends that have had babies tell her she will get this great burst of energy in the next couple weeks and she won’t be so sick as well . . . Until the last few weeks! I say – BRING ON THE NON-SICKNESS! She is a cute little baby momma!
I also want to work on my relationship with my family, mainly my sister Musa. Musa is back in NYC, YO! I think NYC was made for her. She had a rough life and I have not been there for her as much as I could have been. I am not sure how I am going to begin working on this? Baby steps I guess. I love her dearly and I know . . . “Every little thing, is gonna be all right”.
Lastly on the personal side, I have decided to make sure I take Amanda (and our now little booger) to the Macy’s Day Parade in 2009. Amanda and I have been trying to do now, four years in a row. I had everything planned for 2008, but I didn’t feel comfortable going with the economy and stock market acting as it has been. I felt I needed to be available for my clients during that time and I am glad I did. However, this year will be different.
Health: I have stayed away from fried food and fast food for more than two years now. This I will continue and I will also continue to focus on my training and exercising. On average I put in about 12 to 14 hours a week in training. I will be pushing this time up to about 16 hours a week. Normally I rain in the morning, EARLY. This year I will extend my morning training by a bit and add in evening training two nights a week.
I have a second surgery in April. It is the last of the surgery for the excess skin I have from losing the 200 + pounds. This surgery will only require a 2-week recovery. I have a lot of loose skin around my nether region. This area takes a lot of abuse during training and races to the point that I have tearing of skin and bleeding. I am looking forward to having the procedure to remove this excess skin and being done with all of that.
I also want to help others focus on their health. I have to remind myself how I was when I got started and not try to push it on others, but if anyone wants my help, I am happy to give it.
Business: I have a VERY busy 2009 planned. We are unveiling a few Client events that we are testing out to see if we want to make them permanent or not. We are hosting golf, fishing, grandparents day, and may other events to get our Clients out and involved. It is also going to be a busy year helping our Clients through this rough period in the economy. We have a few new items that we are implementing to help in that area too. We will work hard and smart. I have almost completed my 2009 business plan, which I do every year and 2008 really set us back. We lost a large amount of revenue as a result of the market downturn. I have some tough decisions to make over the next couple weeks. I am praying hard and staying open minded for direction on those items and issues. All in all it will work out. We do very good business planning and that has really helped us in the last 12 months. 2009, here I come . . .
Spirituality: I will work very hard to find a home church. I am not caught up in “religion”. To be mater of fact, I think “religion” really screws things up. I am a Christian and I want to find a place that I feel comfortable bringing my family to learn and worship. I don’t take this mission lightly. We currently attend a church and I think we enjoy most parts of this church, but I am perplexed by a couple issues that I just can’t seem to get past . . . It all goes back to the “religious” thing ruining Christianity for me??????? We have been invited to several churches and Amanda and I have decided to begin attending a few different churches over next year and find a church to join by the end of the year. BUT, I also don’t feel the need to “join” a church. But, I would like to have a place we both feel comfortable in that we can attend regularly. God is good.
Racing!!!: Here is where I have my most fun! 2009 is going to be a banner year for racing. I am only doing 6 races all year. One duathlon in February, a sprint tri in March, a half IM in April, another spring in August and September, THEN capping the year off with my FIRST IRONMAN!
I want to focus on my two “A” races for the year.
Ironman 70.3 New Orleans – April 5th 2009. I am pumped about this race. Our club www.batonrougetri.com has a bunch of folks racing and I should have a few friends there watching and cheering as well. I have decided to want to complete this race in SUB 5 ½ hours. I realize this is a lofty goal, but I ain’t scared! If you want to come race, party, or cheer come one!!!! www.ironmanneworleans.com
Then there is the momma of all races for me.
www.ironmanflorida.com - November 7th 2009. I am freak’n pumped beyond pumped – ness for this race. I have s many friends and family coming to this race. 2.4 miles swimming, 112 miles cycling, ending with a 26.2 mile run AND I will do this in less than 12 hours. AGAIN, I know . . . this is a lofty goal, but I will get it done. Please come visit if you want. Amanda is having T-Shirts made for whoever attends, so look for that around September and she will have a shirt for you in Panama City Beach in November!
I hope everyone has a brilliant and successful 2009. I hope it is successful and full of joy for you. Work for it and you will get it.