Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Let's Ride 112 miles!
This is the link to the IRONMAN video – I show up about the middle-ish. Red Transition black spuik helmet – BIG OLE BOY – eating a sandwich!!!
If you want to go directly to where I am in the video – PUT the play cursor (the circle that moves while video is playing) right above the A in ironmAn.
Let’s go ride 112 miles!
Before I begin my Ironman race recap – Let me apologies for taking so long with my Race Report. It is a very busy time at the end of the year, but I will complete this in its entirety by next week.
There was a guy with a cowbell wearing a cowboy had and an accent. I am not sure, but I think it was Australian? He would park across the hwy, come over and cheer us on with his cowbell. Then jump in his car ride ahead 20 miles or so and cheer us on again. He did this the entire ride. I appreciated it, A LOT!
As I passed the first penalty tent I hollered out to my peeps! Luke, Vanilla, and all those folk were working the first penalty tent. It was nice seeing them if only for a second.
The wind never let up. The long stretch on Hwy 20 was miserable. There were a couple highlights.
Run Race report coming soon!
Posted by
Christopher, Amanda, and Babies
3:51 PM
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
3:15am Eat micro waved breakfast burrito – Begin hydrating
4:00am Shower
4:45am Meet Greg and Nancy in Lobby for ride to Race Site
5:00am Double check bike, inflate tires, fill Speedfill, relax!
7:00am GO TIME!
Sounds easy enough right! Right?
Then the National Anthem began and I sang like a rock star!
I felt strong after the first 1.2 miles of the swim. I was a little faster than I thought I would be and I was happy about that. I talked to the nice lady I swam beside for a second – Hence me knowing she was from the UK. Then It was back into the swim!

I saw my family up on the hill and blew them kisses. As the volunteer was bringing my bike a recognizable face ran up to me. It was a volunteer, BUT it was also the guy I rode the sag wagon with at redman half after my third flat. He flatted twice as well. We had a good ride back in the support vehicle in Oklahoma. Neither of us was happy, but it was nice meeting him and nice seeing him in the transition area. He is from the Boston area I think . . . Wish I’d gotten his name. Nice surprise.
Swim done. T1 Done.
Bike race report soon!
Posted by
Christopher, Amanda, and Babies
7:12 PM
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday (Day before RACE DAY!)
Friday November 6th (The Day Before the Day!)
My tire was up against my frame rubbing to the point that the tire wouldn’t spin and with my weight on it THAT is why I could barely get my bike moving. It would be like trying to drive your car with the bake on.
AND . . . . You get the point.
It is now close to 10p and I decided to visualize myself sleeping . . .
Posted by
Christopher, Amanda, and Babies
1:43 PM
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thursday November 5, 2009
6am wake up – begin IM Focus . . . . . . . . . . NOW!
I spent most of my morning hanging around the hotel and making a list of the items I’d forgotten! I knew this would happen so I didn’t stress about it at all, just made a list.
After a couple hours I headed down to the race site for a little open water swim in the gulf on the racecourse. I wanted to get a little feel for the water before race day and test my ocean water swimming skillzzzzz.
After slipping into my wetsuit and slapping on the goggles I headed off the beach and into the gulf. It were a wee bit BRRRRRR cold, but not too bad.
I headed out easy does it and tried to focus on my sighting. This can prove fatal for me. I am either SPOT on when sighting or I can be way off. Spotting is when you have to check ahead for the buoys’ to make sure you’re on course and not swimming all over the place wasting time.
First 1500 or so meters was great then I saw a sting ray about 4 feet from me and it was not small. I think it was about 40 feet wide!!!!! OK, in reality it was more like 4 feet wide, but it was crazy and freaked me out when I saw it out of the corner of my eye. I waded and looked around to see if there was any other marine life near me and after I saw it was all clear I headed back.
Heading back was much rougher in the water. I took in a couple mouths full of salt water – YUM – and lost my sighting a bit . . . Then I had a DUH moment. Sighting on the way back was simple after that. There are these big things called hotels and condos that line the beach, I’m sure you’ve heard of them . . . I don’t know why it took so long for me to figure out that spotting the hotel was WAY more easy that trying to spot a 3 foot orange buoy! Life was good after that and I headed back.
I did the full loop (half of what I would swim Saturday) in 46 minutes and I was taking it really easy. REALLY EASY. So my guess was 1:35 on swim come race day.
Next – MASSAGE! Woo Hoo!
The dude that massaged me was awesome and after one hour on the table I was ready to rock and roll. I felt great and told him I hoped to see him again soon.
BW3s! I know. 5 Guys hamburgers for dinner followed by Wings for lunch?? Maybe sabotage was in the back of my mind??
After a healthy lunch it was time to head out and drive the bike course. I am glad I did because it gave me a great idea of areas of the course I wasn’t aware of before. There are a couple little hills on the backside of the course. Nothing bad, but I am glad I saw them before hand to mentally prep for them.
After we almost ran out of gas, my DadJ, Roddy, Scott and I headed back to PCB (Panama City Beach).
Fancy Schmancey! Great little Italian restaurant in Grayton Beach FL call Borago. Good stuff. We had all my family there (including Roddy) My Dad picked up a majority of the bill, which was not expected but, super cool! Thanks Dad! I had pasta with shrimp, but the ravioli appetizer was my favorite thing.
It was a long drive back to PCB after the dinner. It was good to spend that time with everyone since I know I won’t really see them again until Sunday after the race.
Amanda is at a condo located directly ON the race site thanks to my friend Lance. He had an open room and kindly asked if we wanted to stay. LIFESAVER – since it will be great for Amanda on race day with the baby.
I arrive back to my condo and begin the laborious job of finalizing and packing all my race gear bags . . . This might have been the most stressful part of my week. Packing and re packing and un packing (because I didn’t know if I had packed IT) just a bunch of stress all balled up into this gear bag thing BUT – I did it and I was ready to turn everything and my bike in for Saturday.
I am thankful for soft beds and fluffy pillows. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Count down – less than 36 hours till GO TIME!
Posted by
Christopher, Amanda, and Babies
9:22 AM
Monday, November 16, 2009
IMFL 2009 Picture Video
Posted by
Christopher, Amanda, and Babies
12:04 PM
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Arrival Day at IM Florida
Wednesday November 4, 2009.
Amanda is a little anxious and concerned about this weekend. She is concerned about me and the outcome of the weekend.
She reminds me that “2.4 miles swimming in the ocean might be difficult with the potential hurricane headed into the Gulf AND won’t it be really windy out on the bike course?”
I love her so much. I just look at her and my face says it all . . . It says, “how about we not talk about that right now”.
After a long day of driving we arrive into PCB FL and head directly to the IM check-in.
I wanted to take a second to talk about the sacrifice my beautiful wife Amanda has made for my selfish endeavor to become an Ironman. While I do believe that triathlon has helped save my life by pushing me to become more and more healthy . . . It can sure put stress on a family and mine is no different. I truly have a perfect wife FOR ME and therefore she is perfect period. Between my work, our band new baby girl (born in July) and my training for IMFL . . . My wife has been very lonely and had received very little QUALITY attention from me over the past 4 months.
Today is no different. We drove separate so she could go directly home after IMFL since I had to go to a class in Orlando. Now as I am about to experience the thrill of checking into Ironman – She sits in her car in the parking lot across the road – just waiting.
I love you Amanda. You are my best friend. You make everything I do worth it.
Back to the day . . .
As I turn on Thomas Drive where the race start is located I see a guy hitchhiking. He is not your average hitchhiker. He has a smooth pair of Oakley’s on and a bad to the bone tri bag over his shoulder. He is also only about 5’6” a d maybe 135lbs so I decide if I pick him up and he is a freak I could shove him out pretty easily.
Turns out he is Romain Guillaume a pro triathlete and a really cool dude. We talked for a while and I saw him a few times through the weekend. I think he finished 10th overall. A very nice dude.
There was no line Wednesday at 3:30pm to check in and I whizzed in and out. The only disappointing part of check-in was the weigh in. I put on my sheet I thought I was at about 245lbs. When I got on the scale I was 263lbs!!!!!
I think the main point here is – Arrive on Wednesday in the mid to latter afternoon to check in to your Ironman. I was speaking with Andy, a fellow BRtri club member from BR, and he had checked in Wed Morning and there was a long line. And As I will discuss on my Thursday recount – The line to check in was OUT THE EXPO INTO THE STREET when I went for my massage.
After walking through the check in tent I exited thanking all the volunteers – who without them – this whole thing would not be possible. The y are very supportive and excited to be a part of this crazy thing too it seems . . .
Next I go to confirm my massage . . . And there is where I saw one of my favorite people! Bridgett Flannigan . . . It is very bad that I don’t know her married name, sorry Scott. Bridgett played ball for NKU where I was a student coach during college and she was on the team that won the National Championships . . . As a matter of fact against St. Rose, she was THE impact player behind Jecca shutting down an Olympian with her D.
Bridgett’s husband Scott, is also racing and he was getting his massage at the time. We all say hello and catch up for a second and make plans to do dinner that night.
As I began to look around and take in the expo area I began to feel a little hint of nervousness kicking in and I didn’t like it . . . But what a magnificent place. I was happy to be there.
Knowing Amanda and baby were waiting for me I rushed out and we headed to check into my hotel.
We settled into my room and I stretched out on the couch for a bit before we had to get ready for dinner.
Since my daughter was born I have been experiencing these mortality issues. I have a fear of dying and leaving my wife and daughter to fend for themselves . . . The past few weeks these feelings have intensified and as I looked up at the ceiling I began to cry . . . Now not a blubbering uncontrolled cry, but this feeling that my daughter may never know me. I am working on those feelings, but the rush I was having at that moment overwhelmed me so I called Vanilla.
Charles (aka Vanilla – Think ice ice baby) and Scott in our tri club are IM Vets. They have done most (if not all) of the NA IM races. He is who I have been bouncing my thoughts off of when it comes to my race. He and others that I will mention later helped me by simply telling me their experiences and what they have done well and badly – or over came issues they might have had in previous IM distance races. After a 15 min conversation with Vanilla – My mind was back in the right place.
Shannon (Hotrod) Roddy drove all the way down from Cincinnati to support me in my first IM. Just me. She drove all the way down to Panama City Beach JUST TO SUPPORT ME! How special I feel. She is one of my most dear friends and I love her as I do my own sisters. Shannon also played ball at NKU and holds the record for 3-pointers made in one game at I think 8?
I was looking for a good, healthy, smart place to have dinner Wednesday night. I had many choices and I went with Five Guys Hamburgers!!!!!!!!
I know – I didn’t accomplish the good, healthy, or smart goal, but I did succeed in the “One hell of a good hamburger and fried” goal!!!!!
I figured it was Wednesday and if I ate a small amount of this deliciously bad for me burger, it wouldn’t hurt me in moderation . . . Right???
It was great having dinner with Bridgett, Roddy, Scott and his Rents, as well as my precious baby girl and Amanda. Bridgett held Melaina like a pro . . . hmmmmmm ? Roddy also took a real liking to Melaina (even though she swears off kids).
Dinner was good, company was better.
I wanted to try and make this blogger party that night, but after an eight hour drive and the fact that my condo was almost in Rosemary Beach I was too pooped to make it over there. I will plan better next year.
As I laid my head down to sleep I told my wife how much I loved her and that I wasn’t sure what was going to happen Saturday, but that no matter what I loved her and was going to give it my all . . . then I literally passed out she said!
Posted by
Christopher, Amanda, and Babies
10:53 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
IRONMAN FLORIDA 140.6 11-7-2009
Posted by
Christopher, Amanda, and Babies
11:41 AM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
18 Days!
November 7, 2009
Dear Family and Friends,
1. Hang out at the hotel and relax for the next 6 hours (which I say go for it since it will be a long day)
2. It would be much appreciated if a few folks would load up in the car about and hour after I leave out on the bike and head up HWY 77 to HWY 20 and park there while waiting for me to pass (it will take me about 2 hrs to get there). That is about the 35 mile mark. PLEASE BE MINDFUL that there is a race going on and only drive on HWY 77 NOT on the race course. Thank you.
Once I’ve past you there then drive a short distance back south on HWY 77 to HWY 388. On HWY 77 there are a few places to stop off and eat. I recommend that you do that and then go to the intersection of HWY 77 and 388. It will take me about 2.5 to 3 hours to cross HWY 77 and HWY 388. Also Bring folding chairs to sit in while waiting.
1. Hang out at the hotel for the next 3 hours, relax and come out to the turn around to see me make the first loop and head back out for the last 13.1 miles. Then come back out again 3 hours or so later to see me finish.
2. Roddy and Cousin Boggs are going to have mountain bikes. They are going to ride to different points of the run course to see me pass and cheer me on (which I am VERY thankful for). You can do the same in your car. You can see me leave out on the run then drive out to the entrance of the State park at the end of Thomas Dr and see me go into the park and come back out. Then drive back to spinnakers to see me turn around (I would suggest stopping and eating at this point again). Then drive back to State Park Entrance and see me enter and leave the park again. Then drive back to FINISH LINE!!!!!!!!!
Wed Nov 4
8:00pm Arrive and Check in – Relax feet up
Thur Nov 5
12:00pm Lunch – TBA
2:00pm Drive Bike Course (anyone welcome – will take a couple hours)
5:00pm Dinner–Borago
7:30pm Mandatory Athlete Meeting (Board Walk Resort Ballroom)
9:00pm Pack Transition Bags and Special Needs Bags
10:00pm Bed
Fri Nov 6
8:00am Swim 10 minutes – (Boardwalk Beach Resort at beach)
10:00am Check-in Bike and Gear Bags (Spinnaker Parking Lot)
12:00pm Lunch – Sweet Basil’s http://sweet-basils.net/contact_us.html
2:00pm Drive Run Course (anyone welcome – will take about 1 hr)
3:00pm Rest and visualize
5:00pm Dinner – I’ll eat in hotel (You guys go have fun!)
7:00pm bed
Sat Nov 7 – THE DAY
5:00am Arrive at race site
7:00am RACE STARTS!!!!! 2.4 miles of swimming!
7:40am I should be making first loop lap
8:30am Exit swim – head to bike transition
8:40am Exit transition for 122 miles of biking
3:15-3:45pm Return from bike course
3:25-3:55pm Exit transition to begin 26.2 mile run
6:45-7:45pm I should be making 1st loop of run
Sunday Nov 8 – The Day After
12:00pm Check Out of Hotel
1:00pm Ironman Merchandise tent to buy finishers gear!
2:00pm Depart for Orlando Fl for conference/Classes – anti climactic!
Directions to the Race
From the West:
• Take HWY 10 to HWY 331-south.
• Take HWY 331-south to HWY 20-east.
• Travel down HWY 20-east turn right onto HWY 79-south.
• Follow HWY 79-south to Front Beach Rd. and turn left.
• Follow Front Beach Rd. to South Thomas Dr. turn right.
• You will find the race site host hotel Boardwalk Beach Resort on the right.
From the North:
• Follow HWY 231-south to HWY 98-west turn right.
• Follow the directions for traveling from the east.
• Or follow HWY 79-south to Front Beach Rd. turn left, follow the directions.
From the East:
• Hwy 10 West to 231 South.
• Follow Hwy 231 South to Hwy 98. 10
• Right on Hwy 98 to Front Beach Road (left).
• Turn left on South Thomas Drive (just past Wal-Mart).
• You will find the race site host hotel Boardwalk Beach Resort on the right.
Start End Event Location
4:30 a.m. Transition Area Opens; Bodymarking Begins South Thomas Drive in
front of the Boardwalk
Beach Resort
6:50 a.m. Pro-Start
7:00 a.m. Age Group Start
7:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Ford Ironman Florida Expo Spinnaker Parking Lot
9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Ironman Merchandise Store Spinnaker Parking Lot
9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Ironman Bike Store Spinnaker Parking Lot
6:30 p.m. Bike & Gear Check-Out Boardwalk Beach Resort
East Parking Lot
12:00 a.m. Race Officially Ends
Spectator Information
What are the distances for the Ford Ironman events?
Ford Ironman events consist of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run.
Where can I find a schedule of events for race week?
A schedule of events is posted on the website. Go to Information > Schedule. It is also available in the Athlete Information Guide on the web site, posted roughly two months prior to the event.
What is the Ford Ironman Expo?
The Ford Ironman Expo features various booths- including a showcase of Ford vehicles, Ironman merchandise, Ironman retailers/bike services, the Janus Inspiration Station (spectators can create inspirational signs to line the course), and many other things. It provides a perfect gathering and meeting place for athletes and spectators.
Where is the best place to watch Ford Ironman Florida?
The beach is open for spectators to view the swim.
The bike couse is one loop, making it difficult for spectators to view due to traffic regulations. The best place to watch your athlete get on and off their bike is in the transition area.
The run course travels through PCB. Spectators can line the streets to watch their athlete run to the finish.
Is there anywhere to eat onsite at the events?
Yes, check out the Race Day Cafe at all of our events. It is always located near the transition area and the Ford Ironman Marketplace.
You can also help support the locals with plenty of local restaurants near the Athlete Village/transition area.
Will I be allowed to cross the finish line with my athlete?
Friends and/or family members will no longer be permitted to cross the finish line or enter the finish chute with participating athletes. This policy will allow each competitor adequate time to celebrate their accomplishment without interfering with other finishers and ensure the safety of all participants, volunteers and fans. Athletes who choose not to respect the new policy will receive an automatic disqualification (DQ).
Will I be allowed into the finish line area to greet my athlete?
Unfortunately, due to high congestion in the finish line area, no spectators will be allowed. Please do not try to gain access to this area, as it must remain clear for the safety of the athletes. Before the event, you and your athlete should decide on a meeting place for after they have finished.
Will I be allowed into the medical tent to look for my athlete if they have not arrived at our meeting destination?
The Medical Tent is highly congested and spectators will not be allowed in. There will be a Medical Information Tent next to the Medical Tent where medical updates will be available on athletes who enter the Medical Tent. Please, be patient with the Medical Information Volunteers, updates will be posted as soon as they are received.
Where should I park during race week?
Refer to the Athlete Information Guide on the web site, posted roughly two months prior to the event.
How should I get around on race day?
Refer to the Athlete Information Guide located on the web site, posted roughly two months prior to the event.
Personal Communication Plan
Prior to departing for Panama City Beach, be sure to establish a communications plan
with family and friends back home. Share the race day emergency contact listed
below with those who may need to reach you in an emergency. Even if you are in
Panama City Beach with family and friends, it is essential that you have a plan for
contacting or reuniting with your group following the race.
Race Day Emergency Contact
Ironman Athlete Services
Posted by
Christopher, Amanda, and Babies
11:19 AM