Rip Van Winkle II

Another super fast bike for the big boy!
With the current Hurricane market here in the US Gulf Coast, I have seen my training turn into pure dog poooooo.
I have been from Baton Rouge to Ashville NC to Nashville TN to Birmingham Al to Jackson Ms and heading to Houston TX. All this for some bad weather . . . OK, really bad weather that has left my neighborhood looking like a ghost town with trees fallen all over the roads and no electricity at my home since Gustav passed through about two weeks ago and they still have no idea when we will get power. Grrrrrrrrrr.
Good news is. I was able to ride some nice hills in the north Georgia with my friend Blake, then ride more hills in Birmingham at Oak Mountain State Park. They have a great hill that runs up to the wildlife conservatory, I nearly had a heart attack getting up it, but I did!
Today I got in a great run of 6 miles round the Ross Barnett Reservoir here in Mississippi and tomorrow we head to Houston.
The last two triathlons I was supposed to race in were canceled (for obvious and good reasons) so I am having race withdrawals. I train to race. Racing is the reward for me, therefore, I NEED SOME REWARD!
I have this weekend off and then to Meat Pie which is a great race in Natchitoches Louisiana. It is also the State Club Championship. Geaux BRtri!
I am going to post some pictures of my evacuation vacation in the next week. We did have some fun. White water rafting, water falls, natural rock water slides . . . Woo Hoo!
For everyone being effected by this nasty weather, my thoughts are with you. Keep yo head UP!